(GERMAN PROJECT)Who knows what it’s good for - a walk through Vienna
The topic of the magazine is the Viennese dialect and the language experiences associated with it, or more precisely, some of my personal language experiences. The focus therefore is an individual approach to the language and the Viennese dialect.
The title “Wer was fia was des guat is” means who knows what this is good for. It indicates a certain mentality that is not necessarily unknown to the Viennese, indifference. In addition to this name, the magazine runs under the subtitle “A walk through Vienna”. This represents a relaxed, non-serious approach to getting to know the city of Vienna, its language and culture a little better.
The language should be discussed in more detail here. How you can treat the Viennese dialect in design and what further developments can arise when dealing with words and sounds of the dialect. The target group that this project is intended to address is an audience interested in languages and Vienna itself. The approach to communication and language discussed in the project is intended to encourage the audience to think about their personal relationship to their (origin) language.
The walk through Vienna is divided into different content categories. These are backed up with literature, in order to also provide some scientific information. The categories cover, among other things, the Viennese dialect, the typical Viennese humor, cultural aspects of the city, such as the Heurigen culture and the phenomenon of language contact. This is shown in a hand-bound magazine that was printed with a risograph printer. This gives each page a certain individuality, because riso printing brings a charming imperfection. It can happen that information is missing in some places, but the same is true with communication and language.
In addition, the visual design of the magazine is characterized by experimental typography, photo collages and playful designs. All of these elements reflect the character of the Viennese dialect.
The individual approach to language shown makes the content of the magazine unique. In addition, Vienna and Viennese culture are shown in a slightly different way than we know from travel guides and articles about the city.
270x210 mm
elastic band binding
20g/m2 rough paper
riso print
Heute gehen wir meinen Weg durch die Stadt, ohne Noise-Cancelling Kopfhörer, ohne Podcast auf den Ohren.
Heute hören wir dem Stadtleben zu und achten auf die Menschen. Ich will sie reden hören, denn ich mag wie die Wiene- rInnen reden. Ich liebe ihren Wortschatz, der sich so schön vom Hochdeutschen unterscheidet. Ich liebe ihren Dialekt und ihre Sprachmelodie. Ich liebe ihren Humor und ihren Charakter.
Auf dem Weg durch die Stadt wird auch ein bisschen Kulturprogramm gemacht und ich erzähle dir ein bisschen was aus meiner Kindheit und meinen Bezug zu Wien. Also lass dich auf die Stadt ein und vielleicht lernst du etwas Neues.
A walk through Vienna.
Today we're walking my way through the city, without noise-cancelling headphones, without a podcast going.
Today we're listening to city life and paying attention to the people. I want to hear them talk because I like how the Viennese talk. I love their vocabulary, which is so different from standard German. I love their dialect and the melody of their speech. I love their humor and their character.
On our way through the city we will also do some culture and I'll tell you a bit about my childhood and my connection to Vienna. So get involved in the city and maybe you'll learn something new.